Europa Antares wrote:Let's all take a moment to think about the old DUST 514. New players getting destroyed, dropship magnetism to walls, stealing other players' tanks. Now think of the new DUST 514. Everything seems yankee-doodle pub stomp and stick a noodle in it.
We need a CPM that understands CCP and their decisions wholly. Think about it, they're not going to fix lag, they won't implement matchmaking, and it took them nearly a month (I don't think it a month?) to fix the Gallente Serpent Scout issue. We have all these veterans running for CPM and I just have to ask, how will they feed new players back into the game? Are they going to further accelerate their own desires? Will they simply turn a blind eye to players that bring up issues that need to be fixed?
If we port Dust 514 to the PS4 then we better not transfer assets. Otherwise we will just go back to stomping new players. I barely know any of the CPM candidates and I can't take someone's word for how they act (even though this insinuates that I can't take someone's word that they'll be bad representatives, either, but we won't get into that). Hell, I didn't even know Dust User was in my corp until two weeks ago and I still barely play with the guy and I still think he's the best candidate (I did think before I replied to this but it took me re-writing your entire post to even be able to x_X;;; )
He understands CCPolitics inside and out. He fully understands that adding new things to the game and building on top of the old will result in another Kowloon (?????). I would've voted for Arkena at first then I put nine and ten together and saw how much people had her (him) in their signatures and nearly had to rethink my entire existence in Dust 514 (not entirely sure what signatures have to do with a candidate's ability to represent?).
All we can do is hope that the community makes the right decision and votes for the one that isn't for the people since the people are now pubstompers (fallacy). Instead, be for the Old Dust 514. Fix the foundational mistakes without feeding protostompers (is it pubstompers or protostompers?) out of your hand and support new player feeding into Dust 514.
Now I know why Dust 514 isn't being ported to PS4, they'd only be reaching a small percentage of the gaming community (this problem is not unique to Dust 514). They'd be helping only the ones already existing in Dust 514 (helping the people that still pay for the game? Shocking!). If CCP sees an increase in new players coming in, they'll port to PS4 confident that they can snag new players from the PS4 community (or quite possibly just continue development on PS3 as it becomes more profitable).
Fix the old, and pave the way to our own salvation.